Dear friends , May peace in your hearts and may you and your families experience love and joy and hope over this Christmas season.
Life in our veterans community has seen many positive highlights in the year past , with many more veterans getting involved in helping other veterans in need. Compassionate concern for others is a spiritual response from our souls and has been an underpinning value of our veteran culture , but it also draws on 2000 years of tradition.
The enduring Christmas celebration sees us giving thanks to God for coming among us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth , with a fundamental message that we should love our neighbours and care for those in need. Where love and forgiveness can take priority over historical grievances and resentment , hope and happiness can prevail.
So many of us in recent years have worked hard at Peacemaking in many missions . In our near region we have been very successful. In the Middle East , the task has been more difficult. But no matter where we are , and especially within our veterans community , there is no better thing we can do than promote love joy and peace by our words and our actions .
May we all be thankful for the goodness that has come our way this year , and may we look forward in Hope to making a positive difference in 2024 .
May God bless us in being the best we can be , in making the world around us a better place .