The name of the Company is the
The Alliance of Defence Service Organisations Limited (ADSO Limited)
Individuals appointed to the Board of Directors and ADSO member Associations form the National Council. Neither the Board nor member Associations have any governance oversight or authority over Associations or any individuals who belong to those Associations that form the National Council.
All individuals are represented through membership of their relevant ADSO organisation.
Constitution of The Alliance of Defence Service Organisations Limited (ADSO Limited) are available by clicking on each link:
ADSO Policies
Policies are available by clicking on the link for each one
a. Fair Indexation for ALL Military Superannuation Payments
b. MSBS – Access to Employer Benefits
c. DFRDB Commutation
d. Reversionary Benefits (for widows, widowers, and dependent children)
a. Disability
b. Totally and Permanently Incapacitated/Special Rate (TPI/SR)
3. White Card Mental Health Treatment for All Reservists
4. Financial Support to Ex Service Organisations assisting veterans and their families.
5. Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)
a. To have the CSC examined by an independent of government judicial inquiry.
b. Veterans’ Representation on the CSC Board.
c. Conflict of Interest
6. Support Retention of a Government Department for Veterans Affairs
7. Amend the Veterans’ Covenant
a. Veterans’ Covenant
b. Recognition of Military Service