Our best wishes to you and your families for a safe and happy 2024. Thanks for your support
Ongoing Quest for Fair Treatment
Our quest for fair treatment over our superannuation entitlements is ongoing. We will be in Canberra again next month and will report on the outcomes in due course.
CDDA Scheme Applications
In December 2023, our Secretary Herb Ellerbock submitted another application for compensation under the Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA) scheme. The details of Herb’s application are extensive and beyond the scope of this Update. However, the essence of Herb’s application is that the misleading information
the Department of Defence provided about the DFRDB scheme prevented him from making objective and fully informed career decisions to his considerable financial detriment.
As expected, Herb’s application was rejected by Defence Legal. But he is seeking a review of the decision.
Many discharged on completing 20 years, as Herb did, so there may be others in similar circumstances.
I encourage you to study Response to Defence Legal’s CDDA Decision which provides an insight into Herb’s claim and Defence Legal’s rationale.
If you believe your circumstances may have been similar, please let us know. But also do your homework because there is a burden of proof to support the extent of detriment claimed.
Register with ADFRA
I encourage those who receive these Updates but have not yet registered with ADFRA to do so by clicking on https://www.adfra.org/reg.php and completing the ADFRA Registration form and increase the size of our voice. There is no cost.
Jim Hislop OAM