ADFRA � DFRDB Update May 2022

10 May 2022

Federal Court Hearing � 11 May 2022
A reminder that the hearing of Clinton McKenzie�s Federal Court matter has been set down
for Wednesday, 11 May 2022, at 10:15 am (EST).
The hearing will be live-streamed, and we will email the link as soon as it is made available
to the public on the previous afternoon.
We have now upgraded our email system, but we will also post the link on the ADFRA
website. If you do not receive the link in time, go to, then click on
Federal Court Hearing � 11 May 2022 under LATEST NEWS.
As we learnt from the directions hearing on 11 March, the live stream won�t begin until the
proceedings commence. So, if there�s a technical �glitch� or another delay, you will have to
wait until the stream starts.
Federal Election
We sent these questions to the leaders of the major Political Parties.



.Jim Hislop OAM