The Alliance of Defence Service Organisations announces its core Policy Objectives for the period 2022 to 2025.
They remind all sides of politics seeking election to the 47th Parliament of Australia that a significant portion of the veterans’ community continues to seek redress of a series of key issues that are of major concern, many of which are outstanding for far too long. Some have been the subject of unfulfilled promises, not the least of which includes the fair indexation of the various military superannuation schemes and the inadequacies of veterans’ disability compensation payments.

In commenting on the Objectives and encouraging all sides of politics to find legislative ways to redress each issue in turn, ADSO’s National Spokesman, Mike von Berg MC OAM, appreciates that the Government, with the Labor Opposition’s support, had legislated the an Australian Defence Veterans Covenant that formal recognises the Unique Nature of Military Service. The wording of the Covenant still needs some work to include a non-disadvantage clause so that veterans and their families will not suffer detriment relative to any other section of the Australian community.
Together with all sections of the veterans’ community, ADSO is nonetheless disappointed that seemingly all sides of politics have thus far remained completely silent on any veterans-related policies that they plan to address going forward.
Policy released by both the Government and the Opposition should at minimum give recognition to the immensity of the advocacy and welfare work, and the vital role the wider ex-service community plays in support of veterans and their families. That community is almost without exception volunteer-based and lacks completely any financial help beyond the meagre amounts available to each Association separately under the DVA Grant-in Aid scheme.
ADSO calls on both sides of politics to acknowledge the contribution of the ex-service entities in the community, including ADSO, by funding their work more appropriately in performing their welfare functions on behalf of Government and DVA, and the broad Australian veterans’ community.
ASDO acknowledges the excellent work of the on-going Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. An interim report due later in the year will likely be revealing the extent of the problems at hand.
ADSO Campaign Co Directors
Ted Chitham MC, OAM
Mobile: (0418) 733 887
Alf Jaugietis
Mobile: (0438) 282 284
ADSO National Spokesman
Mike von Berg MC, OAM
Mobile:(0411) 870 055