1. Restoring fair indexation as well to the under 55s and to those on Military Superannuation Benefits Scheme (MSBS).
2. Restoring DVA Disability Pension Indexation to parity as legislated by the Coalition in 2007 but removed by Rudd Labor in 2009.
1. Restoring fair indexation to DFRB/DFRDB recipients under 55, particularly to those on invalidity pensions, so that their pensions also maintain purchasing power;
2. Extending fair indexation to MSBS members;
3. Portability of employer benefits on discharge for those with preserved MSBS entitlements;
4. Abolition of MSBS maximum benefit limits;
5. Extension of Military Superannuation to ADF Reserve Members; and
6. Commutation. For commutation purposes we need immediate use of up to date life expectancy tables for calculating discharging DFRDB members fortnightly reduction amount to repay commutation and rectification of past injustices resulting from the use of out of date life tables.
Other veterans’ related issues
1. Restoration of DVA Disability Pension indexation to parity as legislated by the Coalition Government in 2007 but removed by the Labor in 2009. Veterans’ Disability Pension is compensation for injury and foregone ability to earn wages/salary;
2. Improving Integrated People Support Systems – to fix deficiencies in service to civil transition processes;
3. Increasing support for veterans’ health care, particularly mental health; and
4. Promoting a Military Charter or set of protocols to underpin the relationship between Parlioament and the ADF.
These goals are not all inclusive and will be actively pursued concurrently to the extent of our resources. Other goals will be added as appropriate.
You are invited to submit other issues that you believe must be included with supporting reasons.