Dear ESORT members
Thank you for your recent feedback on a number of DVA’s grants programs.
I am writing to advise that the 2021-22 funding round of the Grants-In-Aid (GIA) program is now open, and will close on Thursday 6 May 2021.
The GIA program forms part of the Australian Government’s commitment to support the role of ex service organisations (ESOs) in providing coordinating and representational support for the Australian veteran and Defence community.
We would be very grateful for your assistance in sharing this information with your membership/networks.

GIA program
Eligible national ESOs can apply for up to $10,000 for funding for discrete projects or activities that address a specific problem or issue and will achieve a clear national benefit to the Australian ex-service and Defence community.
The intended outcomes of the program are to:
· encourage co-operation and communication between the ex-service community, ESOs and the Australian Government
· assist ESOs to:
- support their branches, sub-branches and affiliated organisations in performing compensation or wellbeing advocacy or other welfare work
- advance the objectives of all ESOs more generally, including improved co?operation and communication between national bodies, branches, sub?branches and affiliated organisations on repatriation and military compensation matters.
Eligible applications will be considered against the assessment criteria and the most highly ranked will be recommended for funding, within the capacity of the program’s annual funding limit.
Changes to the GIA program in 2021
To better reflect the contemporary landscape of veteran and community organisations the 2021-22 GIA Grant Opportunity Guidelines includes a revised definition of ‘a national ESO’. The additions to the definition (in bold) are based on the feedback provided by, and the majority view of, this group.
For the 2021-22 GIA funding round, a ‘national ESO’ is considered to be an organisation:
· which has direct links to the ex-service community
· whose membership consists primarily of veterans, past and present members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and/or their dependants and has branches of offices in a majority of states and territories
· which is established primarily to represent the interests of members, to provide pensions, advocacy and/or welfare assistance to veterans, past and present members of the ADF and/or their dependants
· which does not operate as a business or charge any fee for acting on behalf of the veterans, past and present members of the ADF and/or their dependants in the provision of claims or welfare services
· which has objectives that aim to benefit the welfare of its members nationally
· which is incorporated in the states and territories in which it is established and/or acts, and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not?for?Profits Commission.
We strongly encourage organisations to review the GIA 2021-22 Grant Opportunity Guidelines before submitting an application.
More information
The Guidelines and application form are available on the Community Grants Hub website at Assistance with grant application queries is also available by phone: 1800 020 283 or email: [email protected].
Kind regards,
ESORT Secretariat