The following is the text of an email from Rear Admiral Ken Doolan AO RAN (Retd), RSL National President dated Monday, 10 November 2014 11:45 AM
“Good afternoon colleagues,
Ben Roberts Smith VC MG telephoned me this morning to explain that the current news media item about him is a misquote. News Limited reps claim he supports the Government’s position on the recent ADF pay decision handed down by the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal.
Ben told me he was taken out of context in that when talking to the journalists he conceded that the Government had a tough task balancing the budget; and that this comment has apparently been taken as meaning he agrees with the Government’s position re the pay deal.
He has assured me that his stance is to fully support what the RSL sought for ADF pay – and not the 1.5% per year that was the substance of the “agreed” case.
I thanked Ben for alerting me to this matter and advised I would forward this information to members of the RSL Board.