
Warrior Poet – Duty and Consequence

Warrior Poet – Duty and Consequence

“March the guilty b—s in” was once said with much humour. It referred to a weekly phase of administration in barracks when soldiers charged with a military offence were paraded with armed escort before their  Commanding Officer to determine guilt or...

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Commentary – Holy lands sown with Australian sacrifice

Commentary: A leader who ranked among our best

AUSTRALIAN General John Monash was that rare combination of entrepreneur, polymath and military strategist who was arguably Australia’s outstanding military leader. Professional engineer, lawyer and part-time soldier, he rose to senior command through service at...

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Opinion: Pollies stuck to their own Laws of Physics

Opinion: Pollies stuck to their own Laws of Physics

DOZING under an apple tree in his Lincolnshire garden during summer in 1666, Isaac Newton was jolted awake when a falling apple struck his head. Momentarily losing his composure, Newton said to no one in particular, “I think I’ll discover gravity!”  Thus was born...

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Comment: Anatomy of Courage remains relevant

Comment: Anatomy of Courage remains relevant

MAJOR Charles McMoran Wilson MC (later Lord Moran) was a multi-decorated World War I British Army medical officer who served in France with an infantry battalion, and later a base hospital.  After his return to the UK in 1919 he read in The Times of a Royal...

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Opinion: Pollies stuck to their own Laws of Physics

Townsville link to military disasters

CARELESS commentators lacking the ruthless scrutiny of a sub-editor’s pencil are wont to describe mass casualty ADF incidents as the “worst peacetime military accident ..since…” Townsville has tragic connections with three of the worst Australian Defence Force...

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