
Warriors to Wonder if Sacrifice is Worthwhile

Warriors to Wonder if Sacrifice is Worthwhile

JUST when you thought it was safe to leave the bunker, someone called an election.  This column tries to focus on defence, though Australia’s future defence is critically dependent on who controls the treasury benches come June.  Whoever has their hands on...

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Opinion – Russia ready to kill those who oppose it

Opinion – Russia ready to kill those who oppose it

There’s one thing Russia’s rulers can’t tolerate. It is those who challenge their self-assumed total authority. If there’s one thing history has demonstrated about Russia’s behaviour it is that they will ruthlessly eliminate those who do. READ MORE

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Opinion – Russia ready to kill those who oppose it

Opinion: Where are the strategists and tacticians?

There’s nothing like the whiff of distant grapeshot to energise Australia’s plethora of armchair military strategists. Military professionals, on the other hand, spend an inordinate time pondering where strategy ends and tactics begin. Australia, in its short history,...

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Opinion – Russia ready to kill those who oppose it

Elephants never forget unlike those who buy weapons

ELEPHANTS have the longest gestation period of all mammals, 18 to 22 months before giving birth.  Actually, making an elephant is a relativity simple process. Two elephants, one male one female, have a eureka moment and, after a bit of preliminary discussion,...

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