Health – Well-being

Consultation on new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy underway

Making sure veterans get the very best support available

Every time someone pulls on an Australian Defence Force (ADF) uniform they make a solemn vow. They are pledging to serve and defend our nation, to protect the values we hold dear – freedom, democracy, equality, respect and a fair go. All Australians owe a debt of...

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The Home Front: Our Vets’ Never-ending War Within

The Home Front: Our Vets’ Never-ending War Within

THE HOME FRONT documentary by Patrick Lindsay explores the plight of Australia’s modern war veterans, taking viewers on a journey of discovery into a world all too often filled with darkness, depression, PTSD, homelessness and suicide. The film allows our...

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Release of Defence and Veteran Suicide Monitoring Report

Release of Defence and Veteran Suicide Monitoring Report

A report released today into the rate of suicide among current and former serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel reaffirms that suicide prevention must be a matter of national priority. The report, Serving and ex?serving Australian Defence Force members who...

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RU OK? Day – Thursday 8th September

RU OK? Day – Thursday 8th September

It’s our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to  ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life. R U OK? has released resources,...

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New Report into Veteran Wellbeing

New Report into Veteran Wellbeing

A new report released today shines a light on the positive experience of former Defence Force members in rejoining civilian life and their positive impact on their communities. The report finds that after leaving service, most veterans have a smooth transition to new...

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More than 720 events that focus on veteran wellbeing will kick off across Australia on 16 October as part of our country’s largest Veterans’ Health Week to date. The Australian Government has provided a record $540,000 funding for Veterans’ Health Week activities that...

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Media Statement: Veteran Suicide – Time for Reflection

Media Statement: Veteran Suicide – Time for Reflection

The Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA) welcomes the release of the fourthAustralian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Report on suicide amongmembers of the ADF and Veteran communities. It is timely. In speaking on behalf of DFWA, its National President, Mr...

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Notice of Investigation – Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Notice of Investigation – Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The Repatriation Medical Authority (the Authority) gives notice under section 196G of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (the VEA) that, pursuant to subsection 196B(7A) of the VEA, it intends to carry out an investigation in respect of xylene as a factor in...

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