We asked this specific question of the LNP and ALP with the intent to inform our Defence Family of the responses in this Comparison Table

Knowing that the Military Superannuation and Military Compensation objectives are long standing ones we expected an immediate response.
In our Comparison of each Parties Veterans Policies we note and appreciate the services’ delivery provisions to support veterans’ well-being. However, their policies are short on the protection of military service entitlements related specifically related to military superannuation and military compensation: both being ADSO’s objectives for many years.

ADSO’s national spokesman, Mike von Berg, stated his disappointment that, except for the ALP’s stated policy re “military compensation – restoration of disabled veterans compensation payments for its loss of value”, there had been no engagement or response from either Party.
He stated “After the Election we will continue to actively engage direct with all the elected Parties to pursue ADSO’s objectives.”