ADSO, as a national advocacy voice for the Australian Defence Family of current and past serving men and women and their families, is responsible to inform our Family and all Australians of the major political parties’ veterans policies and their response to ADSO’s specific policy objectives.
ADSO does not support or oppose any political party, nor advocates voting for any candidate. However, it does support or oppose as necessary those policies that we assess as detrimental to our Family’s well-being and their service entitlements.
ADSO’s Veterans Policies were publicly released on the 22nd April 2022
The ALP’s Plan to Address the Veterans Crisis is here
The Government’s (LNP) Veterans policies are here and expanded in their Budget here
A comparison table of the LNP and ALP policies known to us at this time is here
Although ADSO welcomes the bi-partisan positions on defence and veteran suicides and DVA’s claims processing problems, the Alliance is disappointed that the major parties remain largely silent on ADSO’s specific objectives.
So we ask them, What’s Your Policies vis-a-vis ADSO’s Veteran Policies?

Because both the major parties’ policies did not address ADSO’s Veterans Policies, ADSO’s national spokesperson, Mike von Berg MC OAM, asked both the Minister of Veterans Affairs Andrew Gee and the Opposition Shadow Minister Shayne Neumann for an answer to the question. He informed that their response would be consolidated and publicised, before the election, on ADSO’s website and social media networks using the attached colour coded Status Comparison Table

Failure to answer our question will be seen as irresponsible and a dereliction of duty considering the consolidated ADSO veteran community has the greatest concentration of veterans in Australia.
ADSO National Spokesman Mike von Berg (Adelaide) 0411 870 055 |
ADSO Campaign Co Directors Alf Jaugietis (Canberra) 0438 282 284 |
Ted Chitham Brisbane 0418 733 887 |