Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie gave her evidence as a lived experience witness to the Royal Commission (which she was an instrumental party in bringing to fruition) in Hobart today. The leader of the Jacqui Lambie Network answered questions on her 10 years of service in the armed forces and her treatment by the Department of Veterans Affairs which led her to a suicide attempt.

She joined the Australian Army in 1989 as an 18-year-old and served for a decade before she was medically discharged due to chronic back injury. Thereafter began another 10 year battle with the Department of Veterans Affairs to receive medical treatment for chronic pain and depression.
Her lived experience evidence revealed failings in DVA’s repatriation processes and the ADF’s culture and provided recommendations to the Commission. Read the details in the Transcript of the 5th August when published.
The Commissioners thanked her for her continued advocacy for veterans.
Congratulations Jacqui for your support to veterans and calling a spade a spade by speaking plainly without avoiding unpleasant or embarrassing issues. Thank you.