*** Please put the most recent on top ***
We seem to be getting a number of reports of LOGIN or site access difficulty. I think in most cases a users error, but it is happening too much. Can we discuss when you finish your current activity? JAB
Gordon, action on nuisance subscribers. You mentioned blacklisting IP on 9 Jul 13 JAB
Gordon, how can I filter the volunteer jobs people are willing to do? I get as far as the ACY mailing field “help capacity” but cannot get down into what help they would volunteer for. When exported we get only one task showing even if they have indicated several. JAB
Gordon, I had noticed this error, but forgot to advise. Now a real air marshal has picked me up for it. Our personal details form has marshall instread of marshal. Jake Newham pointed that out to me. JAB
Gordon, describe how to export a mailing list. I can make lists but the options available are only for sending mail – logical it is ACY Mailing. Ted wanbt lists of suscribers in Queensland by electorate. I can find them and sort for mailing, but cannot see the list or export it. JAB OK worked it out.
Gordon, we need to remove the past PM Gillards photo and insert one of PM Rudd on the Home Page scroll where appearing.
Gordon in the last 24 to 36 hours a number of users have reported they cannot LOGIN to our site, or they cannot access the site.
You did some action last week as I recall, but forget what it was that cured similar issue. JAB
Gordon, I have posted a Flash article JOIN OUR FORUM. Can we keep it stationary and flahing to attract attention?
Gordon I want to populate the Fair Go Campaign Menus Sub-menu What the Politicians Said. At present clicking on the sub menu options draws a 404 message. What they have said is located elsewhere on the site. How do I do the link? On the same subject do we need in the ZOO a category Politicians Media Releases with a sub category to identify the party as under What the Politicians Said. My latest posting in the ZOO relates to a Coalition Media Release 13-03-13 Labor again blocks Coalitions push for Fair Indexation where for want of better knowledge categorised it as Organisation – where is it now resident in the Services. Video, Media or Newsletters?
Thanks Gordon. In the Help Us Module on the Home Page by clicking on Volunteer Form it displays a 404. If one then goes to the Newsletter subscription there is no side bar form to complete. The sign up is now under the Members Menu. Please make the necessary corrections to the Volunteer and Newsletter subscriptions in the Help Us by module: link to the Member menu – Sign Up?
Ted you use red, John Blue and I will respond in Green strikethrough is ACTIONED
Gordon, do you want me to delete all finished jobs to make active ones easier to see? JAB No as I will have to repeat myself again and it does contain a few how tos.
I have a user Michael Fara. He must have given e-mail as [email protected]. I corrected to [email protected] in Users \but still wriong in ACY mail;ing users. Why must we have that Stand to Bumber sticker thing hiding the form? Actual question how to synch Joomla user with ACY mail user. Never had this problem with others. JAB Change email in user manager only. That is a CORE field that should only be changed in user manager. Very true. In fact impossible to change in the ACY users
How do I find column headings in ACY users to make {subtag:XYZ)} Found some but “state” escapes me. JAB Unsure of the question. LEAVE ALL CONFIGURATION TO ME. State is stateaust (state bad word to use in PHP CMS). What I thought. Tried Australianstate, tried region. Now I know!
I want to make an auotomated welcome letter. Is it possible? To go to STAG with users details. JAB See CAMPAIGNS. I have made one (unpublished) to go out 1 day after sign on. Need details filled in. You can preview and test to yourself. By the way DO NOT EDIT TEMPLATES DIRECTLY. Yeah did that once when first learning. Thanks I hope I have that all set up to work for next newsubscriber. I will check queue after a new one signs up. Working
In the ADSO Donate Form, for PayPal payment we need to explain the correct format required to enter the amount is eg. 100 for $100.00 without showing the $ sign or any cents . Unfortunately, this is not explicitly stated on the form. Gordon please add that explanatory note.
We have six subscribers in Victoria whose e-mail is bouncing if sent by Ron Ledingham or me, but no indication of error in Statistiucs on site. JAB If we activate bounces we will be chasing our bums forever. Ah that explains it. Did not know the feature is not activated.
Gordon, I have posted the Flyer – The Final Hill on the site in the latest News and in Media Campaign Flyers. How do I place a miniature picture of the Fyer in the article that when clicked on is enlarged? I have hyperlinked the flyer to the word Flyer but having the picture would be better. Ted Make a small image using the software I supplied you and upload. Use it as the positional and make it a link by highlighting.
Post the latest Flyer – Final Hill on the website as a stand alone on the Home Page . As soon as it is posted to send it to our User Lists. Take all the flyers from the scrolling pictures and locate in a similar module as Fair Go Flyers. TC
Register Alf Jaugietis my co-director as an Administrator please TC
Relocate the Calculate You Loss tool and graph from the scroll pictures to a stand alone module on the Home page TC
Clarify situation if “stranger” donates via the site. Will send details when U R ready. JAB Not sure the question… elaborate OK sending e-mail JAB
In the electorates drop down menu in the edit details form we need addition of “Inelligible” or similar for those overseas long term. JAB Not Enrolled (overseas) added
Gordon, I have added JAB to those I put in here. Just for info.
Enable function for STAGs & LAGs to view subscribers, but not alter. JAB Need to make a subscriber list for each STAG/LAG. Publish to front-end menu, and give appropriate access rights. I will send an e-mail. Too long for here
Delete Dennis Littame from ADSO Contacts. Add John Bushell for registration queries. JAB Note there is a bug which will show Dennis even if trashed.
Unable to edit profile in Forum section. JAB CAME GOOD A FEW DAYS LATER
This one, Header in Newsletters, is not yet fixed. Still same as described. JAB I am not about to fix outlook. Use a better mail client. Trouble is many others use it Gordon so all of them would be getting the same error. It is not fixing Outlook mate. It is fixing how our newsletter appears on Outlook. JAB OK I sent one toi myself using gmail and it is OK on the web mail. More importantthings to worry about. Anyone who uses Outlook will just not see the pictures. Forget and move on. JAB
Header in newsletters sent using template in ACY Mail not visible when received in Ouloook. Visible when viewed in browser or in web mail JAB
In the User list in ACY Mail change one option under type of member. The current one is “Current Defence Employee”. Please change to “Serving ADF Member”.