- Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA)
- Naval Association of Australia (NAA)
- Royal Australian Regiment Corporation (RARC)
- Australian Special Air Services Association (ASASA)
- Royal Australian Air Force Association (RAAFA)
- Australian Federation of Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen & Women
- Fleet Air Arm Association of Australia
- Partners of Veterans Association of Australia
- Royal Australian Armoured Corps Corporation (RAAC),
- Army Apprentices Association
- Defence Reserves Association
- The Australian Gulf War Veterans Association,
- Military Police Association Australia (MPAA),
- The Australian Commando Association and,
- The War Widows Guild.
Other Ex Service Organisations:
- Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (VVAA)
- Australian Defence Association
- Australian Peacekeeper & Peacemaker Veterans Association
- Injured Service Persons Association – peacetime injuries
- RSL National Headquarters
- Veterans Support and Advocacy Service Australia (Inc)
- Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia
- The National Servicemen’s Association
Related Advocacy Organisations
Government Sites
- Australian Government
- Australian War Memorial
- Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs – Australia
- DVA – At Ease Mental Health
- Financial Information Service (DHS)
- National Child Protection Clearinghouse
- DVA CLIK Site – Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge
Operation Life
- Training and Information Program (TIP)
- Veterans & Veterans’ Families Counselling Service (VVCS)
- Veterans Entitlement Act 1986
- WWII Nominal Roll
Defence Sites
- Defence Community Organisation
- Defence Personnel Executive
- Defence Transition Support Services
- Defence: National Welfare Coordination Centre
Support, Health & Well-Being Sites
- Addiction Outreach
- ADF Assistance Trust
- Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust
- Beyond Blue
- Black Dog Institute
- Centre for Military and Veterans’ Health
- Children & Grandchildren of Vietnam Veterans
- Connect2Group
- Defence Families of Australia
- Defence Reserves Association
- Kids Helpline
- Legacy
- Men’s Line
- Australian Mesothelioma Registry (AMR)
- Reach Out
- Relationships Australia
- RAN Central Canteens Fund
- RSL Care – Bolton/Clark
- Sane Australia
- Soldier On
- Suicide Line
- The Podmore Foundation
- Turning Point
- Young Diggers
- Your Defence
- Youth beyond blue
- Mates 4 Mates
- Veterans Care Association
- Trojan’s Trek Foundation
- Survive to Thrive Nation
- Overwatch Australia
- Legacy
Other Related Sites
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