From Thursday 18 April until Thursday 16 May 2024 DVA we will be running a survey to learn more about what the veteran community thinks we could do to make MyService better. Even if they don’t use MyService, we would like to understand why.
The survey is:
- completely voluntary
- and will only take 10 mins to complete
DVA is committed to making it simpler and easier for veterans, families and their representatives to lodge claims and access services. We value your input in achieving this goal.
To provide feedback, please complete the survey now (this link will provide access to the survey from 18 April until 16 May 2024).
If you have any questions about the survey, please email [email protected].
We will be in touch again later this month to share with you a summary of the findings and insights report derived from the co-design activities conducted with advocates as part of the ESO Portal Discovery Project.