Newsletter Edition 33 – 2 September 2024

9 Sep 2024

    |   The Commissioners at the start of the Ceremonial Closing. A local veteran plays
the didgeridoo as part of the Welcome to Country

The start of the Ceremonial Closing of the Royal Commission. Darren Williams, local veteran, plays the didgeridoo as part of the Welcome to Country.

One week until the Final Report – a once-in-lifetime opportunity to save veterans’ lives.

The Royal Commission will hand down its Final Report on 9 September 2024 – one week from today. The Final Report is the culmination of our exhaustive three-year examination of the cultural and systemic issues contributing to high rates of suicide and suicidality among serving and ex-serving ADF members.

It will contain our recommendations to drive improved health and wellbeing outcomes for serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel – and save lives.

The conclusion of this Royal Commission should not be viewed as an indication that we have reached the end of the road in addressing this national tragedy. Rather, the delivery of our Final Report should be seen as a sign that we, as a nation, have now started down the right track. What is a final report infographic

The Final Report will include evidence uncovered during the Royal Commission that might be distressing and difficult to read. We encourage you to speak with someone you trust, or you may wish to seek professional support through a crisis support service, if needed.

Accessing the Final Report
Commissioners Nick Kaldas (Chair), Peggy Brown and James Douglas will deliver the Final Report to the Governor-General. It is then up to the Government to table the Final Report in Federal Parliament.

We will share in our newsletter when the Final Report is tabled and available to download on the Royal Commission’s website. There will also be helpful guides, factsheets and other resources to support you in reading and understanding the Final Report.

Given the considerable length of the Report, we recommend reading it online. Members of the public who cannot access the Final Report online will be able to order a hard copy. Please allow at least 10 days for hard copies to be delivered and note that all hard copy orders are for the entire Final Report, including all volumes.    

Reflecting on our journey at the Ceremonial Closing
The Ceremonial Closing of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide was held in Sydney on Wednesday 28 August 2024, officially marking the conclusion of our historic inquiry.

Hundreds of members of the Defence and veteran community, along with representatives from Government, Defence, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and stakeholders gathered to reflect on what we’ve heard and learned, and the stories that have been shared with the Royal Commission over the past three years.
The Commissioners, Senator Jacqui Lambie and author Patrick Lindsay AM spoke during the special event, sharing their insights and calling for action.
Commissioner Kaldas said Government must now accept the undeniable evidence presented to the Royal Commission and act: We call on this government and succeeding governments to finally take the courageous step of overruling bureaucratic inertia and doing what is needed, what is necessary and what is right. – Commissioner Kaldas
In her closing speech, Commissioner Brown said history shows that the ADF and the Departments of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs cannot be trusted to solve these issues themselves: We have seen too often that Defence’s default position is to defend Defence, and too much evidence of ‘busy work’ at both Defence and DVA giving the appearance of implementing change, when in reality they have only served to perpetuate old ways of operating. In the last six months, we have at last heard senior Defence leaders acknowledge the nexus between service and the risk of suicide, and commit to change. We now need them to deliver on their newly gained insights, remembering their people are their greatest asset. – Commissioner Brown.
Commissioner Douglas spoke of the need for a powerful new oversight body to ensure the Royal Commission’s recommendations are implemented and monitored, and deliver improved outcomes as intended – driving down rates of suicide and suicidality among the Defence and veteran population: By embracing change and monitoring and reporting against the issue, those in command and our support services can help better equip future generations of the Australian Defence Force physically, mentally and emotionally […] This will not only benefit the ADF and national security, but the Australian families who support our military in making their inestimable sacrifices for our country. – Commissioner Douglas.

The Commissioners shared their single vision at the closing – for everyone, particularly Government, to do their part in fighting for our veterans and ending the national tragedy of Defence and veteran suicide once and for all.

Headshots of the three Commissioners - Dr Peggy Brown AO, Nick Kaldas, Chair and
The Hon. James Douglas QC   Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide logo