1. The True Cost.
2. A Fair Go
3. What Got Me Involved
Retired Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Peter Criss speaks for the “Fair Go!”Campaign in a series of videos.
AVM Peter Criss talks about why current military super pensioners are being unfairly treated with inadequate indexation of their pensions.
AVM Peter Criss explains his reasons for supporting the Fair Go Campaign.
4. Matthews Report
5. Labor MPs Letter
6. A fair go for widows
AVM Peter Criss exposes the Matthews report for what it is – A total Sham.
In this short clip, AVM Peter Criss reveals a letter signed by 4 labor MPs that acknowledged the current indexation system was unfair and argued the need for a better system.
The unfairness and inequity of military widows pensions under military super schemes compared to other schemes is exposed by AVM Peter Criss
7. Is it Restoration or an Upgrade
8. The Blame game
9. Comparison to Private Enterprise
The government has attempted to argue that to change the indexation method would be a retrospective upgrade to conditions of service. nothing could be further from the truth. In this clip, AVM Peter Criss explains why.
AVM Peter Criss explains a little of the history of indexation and points the finger at both sides of politics for not doing the right thing on indexation over many years.
The comparison of the Governments treatment of its employees regarding superannuation is contrasted to the obligations on private employers with their super. The difference is stark.
10. The Fact Sheet Another Inconvenient Truth |
11. Current Ops – Military Superannuation Benefits Scheme (MSBS)
AVM Peter Criss destroys the Government Fact Sheet issued in its latest attempt to counter the Fair Go Campaign.
The same inadequate indexation continues to apply to current ADF personnel with the MSBS Scheme. There are also other unfair issues with the current Super scheme. AVM Peter Criss begins to explore these issues in this video.
Channel Ten Breakfast Viewing
Channel 10 morning show 23 April 2012