Tomorrow Peter Criss will be interviewed by Greg Carey in the 4BC studio (Wednesday 20 March) at 10.00 am Queensland time. The interview will last as long as required to cover the issues and while listener interest is there.
This is agreat opportunity for Pete to clearly explain ADSOs Fair Go Campaigns issues that are often curtailed by time constraints on interviews.
To take advantage of this opportunity we need your support – to listen and act. Heres what we want you to do.
Once the interview is underway, start emailing the radio station with your supportive comments and/or ring the Greg Carey Show to voice your opinions. Even if you only get to the Stations switchboard, your comments will be noted.
After the interview continue to call the station with your comments and on their website leave your comments once the podcast has been uploaded.
It is hugely important that we support Peter and the Greg Carey Show to show the public, politicians and other media that there is a large groundswell of veteran support.
Listen live to 4BC here
Email the station here
Ring the Talkback Line here – 13 13 32 or calling from outside Brisbane – 07 3908 8800
Send a text message here SMS 0427 13 13 32
Please support this event and spread the word quickly to all your contacts