RARA Media Statement: “The Brereton Report” – Failures and Consequences

16 Sep 2024

The Royal Australian Regiment Association (RARA) is deeply concerned with the Government’s decision to revoke distinguished service awards from a number of young ADF officers named in the final Brereton Report (6 November 2020).

Of the Report’s 143 recommendations, some 139 have been actioned by the ADF, exposing a complete disregard for procedural fairness, given that the ADF’s Office of Special Investigations is still engaged in their investigations, with only one charge brought before the courts.

The RARA finds it inconceivable the Minister for Defence could decide to strip medals from the commanders of accused soldiers, without these allegations being subject to the proper legal process.  Our concerns are based on failures to apply the rule of law, procedural fairness and the presumption of innocence.

As an Association, RARA advocates for the well-being and protection of our ADF Family (current and past serving persons and their families). We have a responsibility to support these young officers and others by promoting the rule of law in all Defence service matters.

This egregious decision by the Minister not only lacks the required procedural fairness, it also lacks transparency in deciding how far up the “chain of command” this decision should apply. We believe it should go all the way to the top.  It would be the height of hypocrisy were it to be otherwise.

The Royal Australian Regiment, which has been at the front line of military actions since 1949, strongly believes that if any allegation of criminal conduct by ADF soldiers is the subject of charges, and proven in the appropriate court of law, the individual must face the consequences.  Until that occurs, the presumption of innocence must prevail.

The Government’s lack of sensitivity and common decency in announcing the Minister’s decision three days after the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Report was tabled is appalling. It is incumbent on the Government to reverse this decision.

Michael von Berg MC OAM


16th Sept 2024

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