The RAR National Association’s President, Michael von Berg MC OAM has on behalf of our Regimental Family of current and past serving men and women and their families written an open letter to Adam Bandt in response to the Greens leader refusing to stand with the Australian flag


Mr Adam Bandt MP
Leader of the Australian Greens
142 Johnston Street
Fitzroy, VIC, 3065
Dear Mr Bandt,
Reference: The Dishonouring Of The Australian National Flag As A Form Of Protest And Provocative Symbolism
On behalf of our membership, and the veteran’s community and their families, your poor and pathetic publicity stunt of dishonoring our Australian national flag, is a disgrace and deserves condemnation. Not only is it an insult to the nation broadly, but to every serviceman and woman who has proudly served this country under our flag in war and peace, but the many who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, and laid to rest with the Australian national flag draped on their coffin.
Symbols and pranks do nothing in supporting our Indigenous and Torres Strait Island brothers and sisters, where many of us in the ADF, have had the great honour of serving with, and in some cases, fighting alongside of, and sadly burying. The members of the ADF are colour blind and we have done more than many other segments of society in the integration, acceptance and working together at times, in the most extreme and stressful circumstances based on mateship, mutual respect, digger humour and good old-fashioned Australian values.
Mr. Bandt, we all make mistakes, and, in this case, it would not be remiss to admit that you have overreached and that you apologise to the nation but in particular to those that have and are still serving in the ADF. For your conscience, as a servant of the crown there appears to be some conflict and considerable hypocrisy in your actions, and lack of respect for our Australian national flag, in continuing to draw your parliamentary salary and benefits.
If your action and objective was to divide the nation, that objective has failed, in particular within our ADF and veterans’ community where the Australian National Flag under which we have all proudly and bravely served, is the glue that binds and defines us.
We demand your public apology.
Duty First

Michael von Berg MC OAM
Chair and National President
Mobile; 0411 87 0055
Email: [email protected]
CC The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister
The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition

Bandt’s flag rejection too serious to dismiss as stunt/Indigenous MP flags Greens leader Adam Bandt ‘divisive’/Peter Dutton continues attack on Greens leader Adam Bandt over Australian flag/