This is a summary/index of documents that show what the government knew, what decisions were taken, what RCBs really did, evidence of the enemy in intelligence reports and assessments, the operational tasks, laws and regulations in place etc. That is called primary evidence.
There are also films, newspaper articles, professionally published histories and academic papers that prove there was a war, an enemy and so on. This is secondary evidence.
Years of records of interacting with the Government to seek recognition, known as Transactional evidence, is not included in the attached.RCB Review Group Research – Deployment to Air Base Butterworth (ABB) – Master Document Database Index – Primary and Seconday documentsDownload
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
Primary and secondary evidence may be debated with regard to what it means, but one cannot change the fact that it exists. You might want to focus on the right-hand column where there is a summary of what each document is about.

One can also use the ‘Find’ button top left when the document is opened to search for something.
All of this material is ‘open source’, obtained via official FOI or other search methods readily available to the general public. You may therefore use it as you wish. The great majority of RCB veterans should not need the actual (full) documents indexed here, but if you do, within the time limits possible, they may be requested from [email protected]
RCBRG’s Motto is ‘The search for truth takes you where the evidence leads you”