There should be no barrier for any current serving member or veteran of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to join RSL NSW. That’s why we’ve made membership fee-free for any current serving or veteran of the ADF.

Membership means so much more than being invited to commemorations and events. It’s not just what you get as a valued member, it’s also about what you can do for other veterans too.
The ADF and Armed Forces are a family of committed people who thrive on camaraderie and friendship. When retiring from service, that bond is continued via your local RSL NSW sub-Branch. Staying connected to people who understand what you have been through is the most valuable support an ADF member can have.
Did you know that you can instantly join online?
Until now the process for joining the League has been paper-based and cumbersome, with feedback from our members that it would be much more efficient if becoming a member was an online process.
The wait is over – prospective members can now join RSL NSW online from our website.
Together with making memberships free, RSL NSW believes this change will make it easier than ever for members of the ADF and veteran community to come onboard, connect with their local sub-Branch and participate in the camaraderie, mateship, recreation, and commemoration of service that distinguishes us as the largest member-based veterans’ charity in Australia.
What you will receive
- A membership badge that is recognised and respected in communities across Australia
- A free, quarterly membership magazine
- Services and support for you and your family
- Connection to camaraderie and mateship
Over to you
RSL NSW is not just for member and veterans of the ADF or Armed Forces. There are options for partners, spouses and families to join so they can feel a part of their loved one’s post-service life and can support other members who are on the road to recovery from mental or physical health issues, need help with Department of Veteran Affairs claims, employment support, or just need a good mate to lean on.
Who do you know that might want to join the League? Let them know that membership is free, and they can join instantly now!