Welcome to RSL Queensland’s first ESO Newsletter for 2024, where you’ll find sector-wide information on matters relating to veteran affairs, health and wellbeing.
This edition includes a roundup of current veteran issues being addressed across government, the expansion of RSL Queensland’s Veteran & Family Wellbeing Centres across the state, the latest offering from RSL Be:Well, and we spotlight an ESO working hard to support the interests of female veterans The Women Veterans Network Australia (WVNA).
We hope you enjoy this edition. Your feedback is important to us, and we are always interested to know how we can provide information that is relevant to you. Complete the feedback form to tell us what you’d like to see in future editions.

My (Ed) Say.
Well done RSL Qld in keeping the RSL membership, ADF Family (current and past serving members and their families) and the Australian people informed of veterans issues being advocated to governments at both the Qld State and Federal levels. Importantly it allows us to monitor the Governments’ response and all political parties policies on those subjects.