The Australian Defence Force (ADF) was formed to defend Australia, and protect its people and its interests. The service men and women who make up the ADF are Australian citizens who while serving, must forego basic Human Rights enjoyed by other citizens. They must comply with the additional legal and disciplinary requirements of Military employment.
When necessary this will include taking up arms against Australia�s enemies and defeating them in battle using lethal force. They will be
called upon to make personal sacrifices – including the possibility of the ultimate sacrifice – and in every sense to act honourably in the service of the Australian people.
In return, Members of the Australian Defence Force must always be able to expect, from the Commonwealth Government on behalf of their fellow Australians, fair treatment, to be valued and respected as individuals, and that they (and their families) will be sustained and rewarded by commensurate terms and conditions of service. They further expect that those who are injured in service to the Nation and the families of those who die as a result of their service will be suitably cared for and sustained.
This mutual obligation forms the Accord between the Nation, the ADF and each individual member of the ADF. It forms an unbreakable common bond of identity, loyalty and responsibility from which the “ANZAC Spirit� has emerged that has sustained the ADF in conflicts throughout its history.
The Military Accord is an ADSO major objective that both the Government and the Opposition have ignored in their Election 2016 Veteran Policies and at a time when the nation is celebrating the ANZAC Centennary.