To further increase public awareness and support for our Fair Go Campaign ADSO has formally launched this operation today.
With heightened public awareness associated with ANZAC Day this year and recent media reporting on ANZAC Centenary plans, ADSO is seizing the initiative and taking its grievance to the Australian people.
A public announcement about the operation was made yesterday during an interview on 4BC with AVM Peter Criss (Retd). You can listen to the interview here
Punch has also published an OPED Piece on Operation Aware by Peter Criss. You can read the article here
If you havent already done so please leave supportive comments on both media sites and forward the links to your contacts.
OPERATION AWARE will run until 15 April. It is important to note that ADSO will not support any campaign activity on or close to ANZAC Day.
The operation will comprise a range of activities involving all forms of media to promote our message. Print media is being targeted around the Country with letters, articles and ads. An ADSO Media Release has been distributed advising media outlets of Operation AWARE, and a powerful video presentation has been independently developed and sent to all Members and Senators of the 43rd Australian Federal Parliament. It will be released to the public later this week.
Additionally, our Action Group Supporters will be on the ground in each State, engaging the public with flyers and posters to explain Parliaments shameful treatment of current and former Diggers and their families because of unfair and inequitable indexation of military superannuation and disability payments.
An important element of the operation is the viral distribution of the new flyer which has an ANZAC theme. The flyer should have wide appeal.
Please distribute the flyer to your networks and contacts immediately.
We want to achieve maximum impact with this awareness operation over a short period of time. Its success depends on maximum participation by everyone in passing on the flyer to all of their contacts both within and outside the military family, and asking them to do the same.
Please post the flyer to facebook pages where you have them, and support our action groups by printing copies of the flyer and passing them around your family and friends and placing on Club and community noticeboards etc wherever possible. Make the subject a talking point for discussion over the weekend BBQ.
There may be many other opportunities in your local area where you can take small steps to help increase the visibility of the flyer to the general public (shop windows?). Please use your imagination and do whatever you can to support OPERATION AWARE.
You may also want to join the action by writing a letter of support to the editor of your local paper or engaging in talk back radio. Dont hold back, the more involvement of our supporters the better.
And dont forget to purchase a bumper sticker from our website and carry the message everywhere you drive.”

There is more to come. We will keep you advised of further activities in coming days.
Thanks for your participation.