OPERATION AWARE 2 (06 -17 August 2012)
Hello All,
The Current Situation
Our July activities, CPI Indexation Protest and the on line Hangout with the PM with our video response, has gained the public attention to the unjust and unfair treatment of military superannuation.
The Government continues in its steadfast opposition to our cause while the Coalition has pledged that in Government in its first budget it will introduce Fair Indexation albeit limited to DFRDB (minus). The Independents are supportive and Rob Oakeshotts motion in the House of Representatives (HoR) is alive and hopefully will be voted on in the August parliamentary session. The Greens while stating support for our cause are locked into a compact with the Government that imposes constraints on their intent.
Today 6 August, ADSO launched Operation AWARE 2
Its purpose is to further increase public awareness and support for our Fair Go Campaign Objectives, in the lead up to but not including Vietnam Veterans Day (18 August). In particular, ADSO will be highlighting the issues of restoration of Military Superannuation Indexation and restoration of Veterans Disability Pensions (DP) parity. The DP issue is a co-ordinated effort with the TPI Federation.
There will be a focus on using Local Action Group (LAG) Teams in all Federal electorates. Activities will include local community events, TV and print media exposure, print media advertising, and simultaneous viral distribution of campaign material through our web sites and public and social media. Concurrent lobbying activities will continue with Parliamentarians of all political parties.
The Campaigns targets are the Australian people, selected Government Ministers and Federal politicians in marginal electorates and our Defence community of current and past ADF servicemen and women and their families.
What Can You Do to Help?
The Operation will follow similar lines to OP Aware 1 and include:
• Media Launch today via radio, press, our web sites and social media. Peter Criss will be interviewed on the Howard Sattler Program on 6PR this afternoon at 5 PM Eastern Time. Click on the link above at aroung 4:45pm to listen to the interview.Peter has also been interviewed on the Greg Carey program on 4BC this morning. Other media possibilities may arise at short notice, and as we have found in the past, timings may be fluid. As we become aware of them we will post then as a Media Alert on our website Please listen to the broadcasts if possible or look for the podcast links after the broadcast, and leave your comments on the appropriate webpage. • Supporters to write letters and emails to all Parliamentarians. Please take the time to write something. You could draw attention to your most recent CPI increase (if applicable) if you havent already done so. You could also refer to the PMs performance on the Hangout, using material from the video responses by Peter Criss and/or you could comment on the Oakeshott motion for fair indexation which is expected to be further debated and voted on in the next parliamentary session.
• Viral Distribution of our flyers: recruitment flyer and our promotional/handout flyer can be found HERE. Please circulate them as widely as possible to all • Viral Distribution of our new video “ADFMilitary Super…The Fight Goes On” which is a sequel to The Honourable Thing.Please circulate it as widely as possible to your networks and contacts.
Watch it here
• A supporters rally (assembly) at selected Labor marginal Electorate MP Offices on Friday 17 August for one hour (similar to the CPI protests on 12 July) 11.30 am – 12.30 pm during which both an ADSO and a TPI Federation formal letter related to the Veterans Disability Pension payment parity issue will be presented. The concentration of effort will be in the Labor marginal electorates. At the same time a deputation of supporters will visit all local MP Offices to present the same ADSO and TPI Federation letters. If you have not been contacted about the rallies and you are willing to participate in your local area, please contact Ted Chitham and he will have the LAG leader contact you.
For detailed information contact Ted Chitham
To join the Campaign go to www.adso.org.au
Many thanks for your ongoing support