Happenings in the Parliament
Since our last Update, the action has centred on Parliament House where in both the House of Representatives and the Senate military superannuation indexation actions occurred with increasing frequency.
In the House, (22-23 August) the Coalition showed its intention to carry out its pledge for fair indexation by trying to force a fair indexation amendment to the Governments Veterans Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 2012. The Coalitions amendment was debated extensively here and continuing here before being lost in a 69-68 vote. Voting against were Labor MPs including Craig Thomson, Greens Adam Bandt, and Independents, Windsor and Katter. Rob Oakeshott was not present in the House to vote. Andrew Wilkie voted with the Coalition. A full coverage of this activity was reported in Update 24.
In the Senate, on 12 September, the Coalition brought on a Matter of Public Importance (MPI) debate on “The Gillard Governments on going failure to deliver fair, just and unequitable of DFRB and DFRDB military superannuation pensions.”Read the debate here This generated further ADSO activity with three short videos
Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
from AVM Peter Criss exposing Parliaments ongoing failure to properly address this issue and the hypocrisy and ignorance of some politicians.
Please watch the videos, click LIKE and leave a supportive comment on the youtube page. Share the youtube links or forward them on to all of your Association networks and other contacts. And if you have a facebook page, please share the link there too.
In the House on 11 October, Rob Oakeshotts Notice of Motion to consider increasing military superannuation payments, received the Houses unanimous support. That approval imposed no requirement on the Government to legislate a money bill. What does that tell us? As Rob Oakeshott explains in his media release, “Only the government can introduce what is termed a money Bill (legislation that has an impact on the Budget), however, the unanimous support of 150 MPs in the House of Representatives sends a clear message to the executive government”. Does it? We recall Rob Oakeshotts similar motion in June 2010 that was also approved by the House with no ensuing legislative action from the Government. Rob assures us that he will continue to push for a fair deal for veterans to be enshrined in legislation. We hope that means he will vote for some other Private Members Bill (Bob Katters) or next time submit his own Private Members Bill.
In the House on 29 October, Bob Katter threw his support into the ring by tabling his Private Members Bill that has been adjourned to a second reading which is unlikely to be debated before the 2013 sittings in February.
During the Parliamentary recess, all MPs will be at home in their electorates. This is our opportunity for our Local Electorate Action Groups to engage with them personally and with the local community and for you to become a volunteer with your local action group: contact me at [email protected] for details of your local action group co-ordinator.
2012 Report Card
How have each political party and independents addressed our call for fair indexation?
The Government stands steadfast in accepting the Matthews Report that CPI is the right indexation measure. It has shown no intention to date to change the CPI based indexation because, in the words of some Labor politicians we are “receiving what was legislated”, military superannuation schemes are “generous”, its “too costly” and is not in the “national interest”.
The Coalition has pledged that in its first budget in Government to introduce fair indexation for DFRDB superannuants over 55 years (but excludes Under 55 disability and reversionary persons). MSBS is also excluded until the Coalition says in Government it can assess the nations financial position and its ability to afford it.
The Greens policy for fair indexation, although acknowledging the unfairness of the current situation, has not been supported by positive action.
The Independents support fair indexation but they are restricted by their commitment to support the minority Labor Government against unbudgeted money bills and no confidence motions. Their support is seen in moving and seconding motions to consider the matter. Bob Katter and Andrew Wilkie have taken positive action with Bobs Member Bill to introduce fair indexation.
Our Strategic Direction
As we enter the election year, we will persevere and pursue our issues with increasing vigour and engagement, on a non partisan basis, with all Parliamentarians, political parties and the Australian people in the most appropriate way. 2013 will be a challenging year that will test our commitment and resolve. We need our defence family to make that commitment with us. Join us at www.adso.org.au
Remembrance Day
On Remembrance Day Sunday 11 November at the eleventh hour we pause to remember those who fought and died in service for Australia. At the same time we pay our respects to those who participated in those conflicts and to recognise that many too were and remain casualties of wars.
As well as honouring our fallen please help our living veterans and their families fight for justice.
Please circulate the flyer to all your contacts, and post to facebook pages where possible. It is also a great idea to print copies and post them to appropriate notice boards in Clubs etc, where you have the opportunity to do so.
Operation MUSTER
Support Needed
You can help us in a number of ways: 1. As a SUBSCRIBER you will be kept informed of the Campaigns progress
2. As a VOLUNTEER you take the next step forward to join your Local Electorate Action Group promoting the campaign direct to your local community. You can choose the extent of your involvement from the tasks outlined on our volunteer form
3. As a DONOR you help to fund the Campaign. To expose the governments unfairness of our military superannuation indexation payments and veterans disability pensions we need every dollar we can raise. We have to be able to get ads on TV, radio and online to expose the true facts and better explain just how much is at stake for the defence family of current and past serving men and women and their families. Choose the amount and frequency of your donation here
4. As an ADVISOR you can guide us with your experience and expertise in a particular field associated with our Campaign, such as accounting, financial planning, superannuation, public relations, marketing, media, investigative journalism, legal, health etc.
5. Buy a Bumper Sticker and carry the message wherever your car goes.
Thanks for your support to the Fair Go Campaign to date.
Remember – Youre the Voice