If you have become a little frustrated with easily finding information on our ASDO The Adso website, we have great news. We have launched our new website It is brilliant, and uses the latest technology to keep you up to date with Campaign developments and to navigate the site easily. To coincide with the launch, AVM Peter Criss has written a Blog and recorded a short video which can be accessed from his Blog. To view both the Blog and the video, just click on Peter’s Member Blog on the Home Page. The site offers you the chance to have your say and get involved and support the campaign. This is particularly important leading up to the 2013 Federal election. Your ideas, your active involvement and/or your donations are all critical to our success, and will be very much appreciated by the ADSO Campaign Team. Please check out the new website as soon as possible. You can take a guided tour with our Webmaster, Gordon Wright, simply by clicking on the Latest Video “The Adso Website Overview”. You will find it on the Home menu page to the left of the Calendar. Please pass this information on to your networks and other contacts using email and Facebook where you have it. And don’t forget to read Peter’s Blog and watch his new video – Are We There Yet? After watching the video, it is important to click the like button . To do this, you may have to first click on the youtube icon at the bottom right of the video screen. An important feature of the new site is the LOGIN Menu which enables you to create an account and access our on line forums where you can engage with us and others on any topic related to the campaign that you choose. In this way we gain the benefit of your thoughts and ideas that could help us to shape new strategies and tactics. If you are an ADSO Update Newsletter subscriber or a Campaign volunteer and you want to be involved in this new facility then you will need to create an account.
Operation Muster is in full swing.

Our Register reports a very positive response. So thanks to all who are active recruiters and welcome to our new supporters.
Remember that in our defence family there are over 200,000 people and their families who The Adso benefit from the Campaign’s success. Even if you are not one of them you can help them by joining us in this fight for justice .
The Adso family.
