Get out your kitchen utensils and put on your best apron as Veterans’ Health Week 2022 kicks off for 2022.

With this year’s theme focusing on “Eat Well”, Veterans’ Health Week is an opportunity for ex-service organisations and community groups around the nation to host events to promote healthy eating habits and improve people’s knowledge of nutrition.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh said while Veterans’ Health Week officially runs from 1-9 October, events span right across the month of October.
“There are lots of free events happening across Australia including educational presentations on nutrition and how to eat well on a budget. Something for everyone is on offer, I encourage you to get involved and show your support for fellow veterans”, Minister Keogh said.
Veterans’ Health Week is an annual program run by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, with the aim of bringing the veteran community together in the interests of promoting a healthy lifestyle.
“I look forward to seeing the creative ways the veteran community participate in the events and activities, and encourage you all to Eat Well during Veterans’ Health Week” Minister Keogh said.
If you would like to know more about Veterans’ Health Week, or find an event happening near you, visit