It’s Time to Speak Up
For those of you that may have missed it, on 4 March, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced that the ADF and the Commonwealth will present a joint proposal to the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal (DFRT) seeking a total six per cent increase over the three year arrangement.
If agreed by the DFRT, members will receive:
• An additional increase in salary and related allowances from 12 March 2015 of 0.5% over and above the original 1.5% awarded on the 3 November 2014;
• The two remaining WRA increases set for November 2015 and November 2016 will be increased from 1.5% to 2%.
The Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA) acts as an intervener at the DFRT hearing. In order to effectively represent your views before the Tribunal we need your help! We know that you are regularly hit with surveys – indeed, you will be surveyed this week by Defence on your Defence Employment Offer (DEO). At the risk of ‘over-surveying’ you, the DFWA invites and strongly urges you to provide your thoughts on the latest announcement by Government that your pay will increase by another 0.5%.
Please complete this short two-minute survey to assist the DFWA in making its submission to the DFRT. Note that this address is not DRN friendly so please complete it on your personal computer or mobile device.
Please encourage your ADF colleagues to complete the survey as soon as possible. This issue is very time sensitive! We received an overwhelming response to our previous survey which added substantial weight to our submission, so please make sure your opinion is heard again!
Thank you for your support. We will keep you updated as the Workplace Remuneration Deal progresses and more information comes to hand.
If you have received this survey from a colleague and want to be kept up-to-date of the progress of the WRA increase, please subscribe here